name -- Quickshotz
class -- Hunter
spec -- BM (Willing to change)
armory link --
raiding time(Server time) -- Any time, I'm on pretty much all the time. If there is a set time then I'm guaranteed to be there.
Are you willing to be on at each raiding time u sign up? -- Most definitely =D
have u been experienced in 25man or 40man raids b4, including preBC. -- PreBC no, I stopped at 60, but postBC yes, I've done all but Kaelthas in TK, and a bit in SSC(Lurker, Hydross).
Do you know someone who is in our guild? -- Personally no, but I've grouped with a few of the members b4 and they all seem like pretty chill people so thats a plus.
Finally, R u cool? -- Pfft, if my middle name wasn't 'cool' I wouldn't know what else to say haha =D